Thinking about leaving your unfulfilling job?
Want to THRIVE instead of just getting by?
Then it's time to...
Create a career you love without blowing anything up.
...No Sunday Scaries required.

Such an eye-opener.
Céline M.

If you are not feeling fulfilled, this is the workshop for you to watch.
I just attended Anthony Kuo's workshop: "Plan Your Career Pivot." Such an eye-opener.
Anthony truly cares about deep connections and helping people move the needle. Thank you for the inspiration today.
I now have a plan to leave my corporate job, and an idea how I can find more fulfillment in my career.
Thank you Anthony for making an impact! The energy was fire.
Itching to escape from the hamster wheel you’re stuck in?
Been doing what you do for years and want out, but have no idea what to do instead?
Are you frustrated because you don’t know the right path forward?
Tried setting a date in your mind to leave, but never followed through?
Sick and tired of taking a half-step forward, only to take several steps back?
If you said yes to one (or all) of these questions, then it’s time to kickoff another chapter of your career with a proven roadmap that lets you build confidence and move forward.

What if I could show you a way to gracefully transition into your dream career without risking everything you’ve got?
You’ve already built a career…
You’ve really invested yourself in your current role over time—even if it’s a mere means to an end. Though you don’t like what you do, it’s the only thing you have experience doing. So you worry if your skills are transferable...
...but it doesn’t fulfill you.
You feel like you’re drowning in the monotony of your life and at the end of every day, you feel even more drained. A part of you wants something new, but you don't know where or how to start.

Because one thing’s for sure:
working will make up ⅓ of your life
And you’re too young to spend the rest of your waking days...
Sleepwalking through your workday
Staying up late on Sunday nights to magically “prolong” the weekend
Having your soul sucked drier than the Sahara Desert
Feeling like your body is falling apart
Bending over backwards for a boss or team that doesn’t appreciate you

You want to build an achievable exit ramp that will set up your next role as an opportunity to grow instead of yet another dead end whenever you’re ready, you’ll confidently schedule your "liberation day" — without feeling like it's an overwhelming burden or total disruption.
If you're like me, you don't want to simply get by in your career. You want to thrive.
Wouldn't it be nice to wake up excited for work for a change?
If you're nodding along with everything I'm saying so far… you want to pay attention to this next bit.
Here’s the thing about career-building:
you could easily fall into 1 of 2 traps (or both).
Trap #1:
The Fear of Blowing Everything Up
Transitioning into a new career is daunting. You imagine that it entails blowing stuff up or taking a hard left turn, as it all feels overwhelming and intimidating at first glance.
So you start to visualize your dream job feeling so far away from where you are today, or feel like it's impossible for you to attain.
Next thing you know, you very quickly give up hope and constantly second-guess every decision you make.
Trap #2:
Chasing Your Skills (Even if They Don't Satisfy You)
We’re often conditioned to pursue things we're good at—without any regard to whether it actually feeds or sustains us.
...because it's what earns you praise
...because it's what pays the bills
...because it's what makes you feel valued
Those dopamine hits keep you going for a little while, but they don't last.
And when the honeymoon's over, you're left feeling empty and slightly violated.
But the last thing you want is to give up a (barely) tolerable situation for something worse...
So you take a deep breath and brace yourself for yet another round of the daily grind...
Dread the day ahead. Drag yourself to work. Endure. Repeat.
WAKE! 👏 UP! 👏
Enough is enough.
You do NOT need to be held back by these two limiting traps.
This workshop is all about designing a career that satisfies YOU—without blowing up everything you’ve worked hard for and without falling victim to following skills blindly.
We're going to dive deep into discovering your satisfaction factors, and how you can make it happen on a timeline that works for you.
After all... it's YOUR career.
Not your parents’.
Not your partner’s.
Not your kid’s.
Not your boss's.


Here’s everything that’s included:
✅ The Ideal Career Path Checklist - to help you identify what to look for (and which potential traps to avoid) as you make a successful transition toward the career you want. (Value $197 USD)
✅ “Set Your Destination” Training - learn how to filter your interests and validate them with a practical process so you can figure out what it is you want to do next. (Value $97 USD)
✅ Confident Exit Ramp Formula - use this to confidently schedule your “liberation day” and execute your pivot with ease (no more “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure”). (Value $97 USD)
✅ Liberation Day Roadmap - follow this proven step-by-step transition plan to guide you on your journey to career fulfillment and satisfaction. (Value $97 USD)
✅ Workshop Implementation Checklist - keep track of your progress throughout and celebrate each milestone with this comprehensive guide. (Value $27 USD)
🎉 BONUS #1 🎉
Facebook Support
Be a part of a safe space and fun-loving environment where you can ask late-breaking questions, get personalized feedback, and bask in community support.
(Value $67 USD)
🎉 BONUS #2 🎉
Q&A Session
Get access to an hour of Q&A (pre-recorded), where I address some of the most common questions, and share how to navigate the biggest sticking points.
(Value $97 USD)
🎉 BONUS #3 🎉
Companion PDF
Download an editable PDF workbook and your own copy of the workshop slides to maximize your overall learning experience.
(Value $27 USD)
Are you grateful for your work, but wish you could do something else?
Here’s how…

Let’s break down the actual roadmap.
What’s inside (and what we’ll cover):
Wonder what’s at the core of your operating system? Use my simple process to discover what makes you tick — the 4 secret ingredients you need in order to feel satisfied in your career.
Establish your non-negotiables and deal-breakers by distilling your green and red flags -- so that you never have to worry about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire again.
Gain “backstage access” to what truly fulfills you, so you can look beyond your blind spots (and your uncle’s well-intentioned advice).
Figure out what you want to do next—even if you have no clue and aren't sure it’s possible—by activating your imagination and your frame of mind with a fun activity I secretly like to call a "Career Transmorgrifier.”
Never again waste years on a career that’s only going to disappoint you - validate your ideas and fill the gaps with a practical, eye-opening formula so you can save a lot of time and trouble early on.
Wrap up this step by locking on a serious interest (woohoo!)
Learn the difference between a transition plan you constantly second-guess, and one you're 100% confident is the right move for you.
Customize your approach based on what you need and your circumstances + decide what pace works for you by laying out your Liberation Day Roadmap -- to avoid career transition anxiety and make sure that what you’re doing is serving you.
Identify what needs to happen and sort them out where they belong -- so you can schedule your “liberation day” AND successfully execute your pivot.
Anthony's process feels NATURAL, not forced.


You might think an effective career pivot requires a dramatic change—quitting your job or industry, moving away to a different city or state, using up all your life savings, etc.
The idea of a career change may seem extremely big and scary in your head. And the fear of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire can paralyze you.
But in reality… it really doesn’t take as much as what people make it to be.
Because transitioning doesn’t have to be a crash and burn situation.
You don’t need to blow everything up to make a difference.
Instead, something as simple as making small tweaks can make a huge impact on your life and career. You don’t even have to go back to school or start at the bottom just so you can finally enjoy what you do.
So often the impulse is to light the fuse and dive headfirst with a parachute, but the change you’re looking for might be closer than you think. It might require less work and disruption than you think.
Whether all it takes is a few adjustments or leaving is the best option, you’ve got the right to pursue happiness. And you need a plan to help you figure out what works for you to get there.
Hey! I’m Anthony.
I’m a Career Satisfaction Coach.
I started out as a rising star in the corporate world - I had a very successful run in Fortune 100 companies.
Everyone around me was happy. My bosses loved me. My parents were proud of me.
But I was miserable.
That’s when I knew something had to change, so I went on a years-long search for what creates a fulfilling life and career.
It took a long time (plus countless self-development podcasts, TED talks, workshops, and an NLP certification) before finally figuring out what truly makes me excited to jump out of bed for work.

After realizing my calling to help others get unstuck from a career they can’t stand, I started “officially” career coaching back in 2017. Since then, I’ve had the tremendous privilege to help people make remarkable transitions of their own.

Here’s some of my clients’ journeys:
Lauren gained the courage to leave her thankless job. And just 10 weeks later, she was starting a brand new job (with a promotion!) on a team that recognized her talent and gave her the respect she deserved.
[Name redacted for super secret NDA reasons 😎] left a “dream job” at a top-tier company that most people would give their left kidney for, trading it all in to become a leader at an ambitious startup.
Rachel went through the process to actually AFFIRM that she was in the right place for the moment, and the best move was to bide her time while leveling up her skills in the background.
Joaquin scored a massive raise at a new organization that not only saw what his skills were truly worth, but also offered a supportive culture where he could shine.
Abe made the leap from customer support to product management (a BIG deal in the tech world, if you aren’t familiar).
Debbie left her personal fitness training business behind to become a transformative body relationship coach.

The common thread?
Every single person on this list is now defining their career on their OWN terms.
And that is so important because when we orient our careers to SERVE US (instead of the other way around), we flourish as humans.
I remember how utterly alone I felt when I was about to leave my “perfectly good” job.
But you don’t have to be.
That’s why I’ve created this workshop so I could share my knowledge and my heart with more people like you.
Together, we'll go through this step-by-step.
I’ll help you strike the right balance between urgency and stability so that when the time comes, all the pieces will fall into place with minimal stress and maximum joy.
Why wait until you're 65 and retired to start living — when starting today, YOU can make the worthwhile journey toward thriving, happiness, AND satisfaction.
“Career pivot sounds really nice, but my job isn’t that bad. I can tolerate it… for now.”
If this is you...
Just because you’re doing it now doesn’t mean you need to keep doing it.
And on the flip side, just because you land somewhere you wanted to be doesn’t automatically make it a career that you’re excited to wake up for.
Change is ALWAYS inconvenient… so don't let that stop you from building the life and career you want.
Use this roadmap—not just as an escape plan—but as a guide for setting up your next role with a leap forward in progress.

Create a career you love without blowing anything up.
... No Sunday Scaries required.
Here’s everything that’s included:
The Ideal Career Path Checklist (Value $197 USD)
“Set Your Destination” Training (Value $97 USD)
Confident Exit Ramp Formula (Value $97 USD)
Liberation Day Roadmap (Value $97 USD)
Workshop Implementation Checklist (Value $27 USD)
BONUS #1: Facebook Support Group (Value $67 USD)
BONUS #2: Q&A Session Recordings (Value $97 USD)
BONUS #3: Companion PDF Workbooks (Value $27 USD)

When you hop into this workshop, follow the simple exercises, and breathe easy —
you'll walk away:
With everything you need to map your career and set your target quit date.
Having learned more about yourself, so you can carve out a career path that checks all the boxes.
In more control of YOUR life—which enables you to show up as your best self not only for work, but also for your family.
Not only with a successful pivot, but tremendous personal growth to boot.

Got more questions? Here are the answers...
Does this only work for those with career experience? I’m self-employed.
How long will it take to pivot my career?
What if the clock’s ticking and I need to leave NOW?
What if I don’t have any marketable skills? Can I still experience a successful career pivot?
What jobs will this work for?
Is it immediately available?
Can I join this workshop if I'm fresh out of college?
What if I’m too old for a career pivot?
Is there a money-back guarantee?

You're covered by our 100% money back guarantee.
If you're not 100% satisfied with the workshop within 7 days, we will offer you a full refund.
You already have what it takes. You just need an action plan to help you design a career that’s more than just a paycheck.

Create a career you love without blowing anything up.
... No Sunday Scaries required.
Here’s everything that’s included:
The Ideal Career Path Checklist (Value $197 USD)
“Set Your Destination” Training (Value $97 USD)
Confident Exit Ramp Formula (Value $97 USD)
Liberation Day Roadmap (Value $97 USD)
Workshop Implementation Checklist
BONUS #1: Facebook Support Group (Value $67 USD)
BONUS #2: Q&A Session Recordings (Value $97 USD)
BONUS #3: Companion PDF Workbooks (Value $27 USD)