

What are your favorite problems to solve?


1. What projects or tasks do you currently do that are your favorite?


2. What part of your work do you enjoy so much, you wish the rest of your job weren’t so much of a distraction?


3. What activities and tasks do you get so absorbed by you feel like you “wake up” from them?


4. What is the impact of your work on others? How does your solution help the people around you?

So you’ve figured out your favorite problem (or problems) to solve…


Great! Next stop: finding a career that appreciates and supports that. 

And that’s what Plan Your Career Pivot is for. 

I’ll teach you a proven, step-by-step transformative roadmap that will help you finally step into a career where you’ll truly THRIVE… instead of miserably enduring and simply getting by.

I’ve helped several clients create a career they love—without blowing anything up. 

Now I want to help you, too.

For only $27, you’ll learn: 

  • the 4 secret ingredients you need to feel satisfied in your career; 
  • the 3 mistakes that are most likely to derail a successful transition;
  • how to chart out a concrete and achievable path, and then... 
  • gracefully make the transition
Learn more and save your spot here. 

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What are Your "Favorite Problems" To Solve?

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