$275.00 USD

Every month

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Create A Career You Love

Create a career you love, with minimal stress and maximum joy!

The Create A Career You Love Group Mentorship Program is filled with some of the most kind, inspiring, and determined people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. And you can be part of it, too.

Here's what you'll get when you signup:

  • Weekly LIVE Zoom sessions where we connect and work through the Fulfilling Career Path as a community. We extract each others’ Care Cards, debrief relational networking interactions, and practice and refine Power Stories. I facilitate every session and am there to help you interpret and learn from your (and each others’) experiences.

  • Bite-sized lessons (most are 5-10 minutes long) that hold your hand through each micro-step of the Fulfilling Career Path. In addition, you’ll find worksheets and exercises to facilitate each step (if that’s your jam.)

  • An exclusive Discord community where we stay connected in between live sessions - celebrate wins, get accountability support, and raise topics for the next discussion. There’s also the occasional cat meme.

All for an investment of just $275/month.

📢 Live Zoom calls are on Wednesdays, and alternate between Eastern and Pacific-friendly times.

(If you can't make it live - no worries. A recording will be made available within 48 hours, and we'll be rotating the call schedule to make sure everyone can get some LIVE goodness.)

So if you want to be part of this safe space where you can hang out, be vulnerable with each other, gain constant support, and receive guided mentorship throughout your journey, then register today!